World Map Navigation

For one of the web projects I am working in we have been throwing around the idea of having a world map as a navigation element. Each country would then be clickable. This kind of navigation has been done with hyperlinked bitmaps like the LL-Map project.

LL-Map Bitmap

LL-Map Bitmap

Or with flash like the Joshua project.
Joshua Project Front page with Map

Joshua Project Front page with World Map

I have not seen any implementations in HTML5 canvas or in SVG. It occurs to me that these technologies could be used. I am not deeply familiar with either technology. So I did some googling.
I found some interesting articles on the matter.

  • Performance of SVG vs. Canvas [1] Boris Smus. 19 January 2009. Performance of Canvas versus SVG. [Link] [Accessed: 4 March 2012]
  • How to Choose Between Canvas and SVG [2] Patrick Dengler. 28 September 2011. How to Choose Between Canvas and SVG. [Link] [Accessed: 4 March 2012]
  • SVG or Canvas? Сhoosing between the two [3] Mihai Sucan. 4 February 2010. SVG or Canvas? Сhoosing between the two. [Link] [Accessed: 4 March 2012]
  • CanVG: Using Canvas to render SVG files [4] 29 March 2010. CanVG: Using Canvas to render SVG files. [Link] [Accessed: 4 March 2012]

I am not sure that I have any answers but this is my thought towards the problem space.

There is one map of languages I have found which deserves to be mentioned. I am not sure of the technology used but it seems it would be either of these methods. It is the map of the Languages of California hosted at Berkeley.

California Languages Map

California Languages Map


1 Boris Smus. 19 January 2009. Performance of Canvas versus SVG. [Link] [Accessed: 4 March 2012]
2 Patrick Dengler. 28 September 2011. How to Choose Between Canvas and SVG. [Link] [Accessed: 4 March 2012]
3 Mihai Sucan. 4 February 2010. SVG or Canvas? Сhoosing between the two. [Link] [Accessed: 4 March 2012]
4 29 March 2010. CanVG: Using Canvas to render SVG files. [Link] [Accessed: 4 March 2012]

Presenting Professionals 2

Current situation at

The question has come around to: How does a company present its employees? This question is interesting in an SIL web context because there are no less than 5 places, and potentially more, where SIL staff are presented on the web.

  1. Staff is presented in the SIL corporate Bibliography
  2. Senior staff in key leadership positions are presented on a CV page called the Roster
  3. Staff are eligable for personal webspace on'sName
  4. At a special SIL website like SIL-UND staff pages or at some other program where academics are teaching and staff
  5. A personal Website (not on
  6. In a professional network like LinkedIn
  7. JAARS Websites
  8. As part of SIL’s Lingua-Links pages
  9. As part of SIL’s NRSI working group.
  10. Continue reading

Presenting Research on the Web

I have been Looking at different ways to make SIL’s digital research content more interactive, findable, and usable. Today I found It is interesting how they approach the facets of Location, Projects, Publications, and People up in the right hand corner. I think they did a good job. The site feels like it is balanced.

Microsoft Research

Microsoft Research Home Page

Too many terms of service

You might have heard about the recent change in the Google terms of service. I have, several times. I use several Google services. Logistically, this makes a lot of sense. They sent out an email quoted below saying that they were consolidating over 60 terms of service agreements. I have had two thoughts about this

  1. Why is there no blowback or negative PR for Google like there was for FaceBook? [1]Eric Eldon. 11 May 2010. Analysis: Some Facebook Privacy Issues Are Real, Some Are Not. [Link] … Continue reading
  2. This is the sort of scenario I have been warning one of the companies I am working for about creating. We have 3-4 separate online communities currently with separate terms of service with two other major communities about to launch. This is part of the User Experience which should not be over looked.

BTW: I am grateful for the centralization at Google.

Google Terms of service

Google Terms of service

Dear Google Apps administrator for _________,

We’re getting rid of over 60 different privacy policies across Google and replacing them with one that’s a lot shorter and easier to read. Our new policy covers multiple products and features, reflecting our desire to create one beautifully simple and intuitive experience for your users across Google products.

As always, Google will maintain your data in strict compliance with the confidentiality and security obligations provided to your domain.

If you permit your users to access optional additional Google services for your domain, your users may separately receive notifications communicating the new Privacy Policy. You can visit your Google Apps control panel at any time if you’d like to review the additional services accessible to your users.

We’re excited about the improvements we are making across our products and appreciate your support. You can view the new privacy policy at These changes will take effect on March 1, 2012.

Please do not reply to this email. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. Also, never enter your Google Account password after following a link in an email or chat to an untrusted site. Instead, go directly to the site, such as or Google will never email you to ask for your password or other sensitive information.


1 Eric Eldon. 11 May 2010. Analysis: Some Facebook Privacy Issues Are Real, Some Are Not. [Link] [Accessed: 10 February 2012]

Finding your inner Zachman

The last couple of weeks I have been working on applying the Zachman's framework for enterprise architecture to two projects. I have been struggling through the first row and then skipped around a bit. I think I have found the part of the project (any project) I am most passionate about.... Working with Human Interface Architecture and explaining it as a designer to the builder of the Presentation Architecture. In my mind this level needs to be closely related to the Business Process Model and to the List of Business Goals/Strategies. [1] John Zachman. 2008. Diagram of: A framework for enterprise architecture. [Accessed: 2 December 2011] [PDF] [Link]

Where do I see myself most helpful in the large project...


1 John Zachman. 2008. Diagram of: A framework for enterprise architecture. [Accessed: 2 December 2011] [PDF] [Link]

Many Facets to Planning a Website

I found this image which I think explains many of the kinds of things that Website builders need to think through. For some in the industry this is like.. Duh! but for others this kind of layout really helps us see the complexity and the parts we need to be thinking through to implement the website.

Many of the different kinds of things that website planners have to think through.