Presenting Professionals 2

Current situation at

The question has come around to: How does a company present its employees? This question is interesting in an SIL web context because there are no less than 5 places, and potentially more, where SIL staff are presented on the web.

  1. Staff is presented in the SIL corporate Bibliography
  2. Senior staff in key leadership positions are presented on a CV page called the Roster
  3. Staff are eligable for personal webspace on'sName
  4. At a special SIL website like SIL-UND staff pages or at some other program where academics are teaching and staff
  5. A personal Website (not on
  6. In a professional network like LinkedIn
  7. JAARS Websites
  8. As part of SIL’s Lingua-Links pages
  9. As part of SIL’s NRSI working group.
  10. Continue reading