Initial thoughts on Google Drive

So I have two computers I work with regularly to accomplish certain tasks. The organization I work with/for recently decided to go with google services. including Google Drive. I had been previously using DropBox and thought that because we were making a corporate switch that it would be good form to move work related materials from the DropBox account to the office Google Drive account - leaving me more space for my personal content in the DropBox account.

Currently I can not get my computers to sync. This is a problem. I quit the client and restarted it and the documents synced.

One other annoying feature is the advertisements. If there is one thing that Google does do is advertise. I have downloaded and registered two computers with my Google Drive account, so one would think that Google and all their information sharing capacity built into their terms of service would already know that I know about the local client for Mac but evidently not.

Google does advertise

Google does advertise

The Look of Language Archive Websites

This the start of a cross-language archive look at the current state of UX design presenting Content generated in Language Documentation.

Social Network Marketing

My friend Abbie, (Facebook, MySpace) is currently in a competion to perform live with Ingrid Michaelson. She is also in first place currently. (Go ahead vote for her. Her’s is #6 in the top ten listing.)

That is not what is the most interesting though.

What is interesting is the social networking going on to get all the votes needed.

Someone created an Open Event on Facebook. Abbie has about 1700 Facebook friends and a fan page. But by creating an open facebook event other people could envite their friends to the event. So now there are over 11,500 people who have been invited to the event! That is 10 times the number of people that Abbie knows. And this has only been three or four days running.

When people respond to the event then there is an option for a personal message. Followed by clear instructions (and links) on the event page describing how to vote. The event has gone viral. That is the point of Social Network Marketing.

I wonder if I created an event for my business purposes if it would fly. I only have 500 friends so to reach the 10x number we would only need to send out 5000 invites.

You can follow Abbie’s Youtube channel.

Mastering Missions Marketing

Last time it was Missions Masters Marriage… but that didn’t work out as planned. It turned out to be Missions Marriage Masters.

When we think of the term Marketing we might think of a logo, a brand name or some gimmick to make me want something I don’t need. In some circles, especially the non-profit arena Marketing may have a negative connotation. In the context I am talking about here I am going define marketing as intentional effective communication. Effective communication can have some very positive outcomes and covers a wide variety of communication issues and strategies.

    Effective communication implies:

  • Something is being communicated
  • More than one party is involved
  • Meaning is being conveyed
  • An image is being conjured in the mind of the receiver
  • The image being conjured in the mind of the receiver is affirmed or agreed to by the transmitter

As a business professional I need to realize that effective communication can happen. But, if I am not intentional about it, it is not going to happen as often as I want it to happen. This may result in adverse consequences for my business. The point though is that even in non-profit work like missions, to have effective communication one also needs to be intentional about their communication. This intentionalism is strategy.

So what is your communication strategy? Lets ask some of the basic W’s.

  • Who are we trying to communicate to?
  • What are we communicating?
  • How are we going to get them to listen, think and respond to us?

In the non-profit world we have several kinds of people we want to communicate with:

  • the people we want to benefit
  • the people who help us benefit these people; donors, volunteers, employees, colleagues
  • the people watching us, wanting to know what we are doing and why we do it.

We need to be aware of each kind of person and talk to them. But, not just talk to them; engage them.

So the What which are we going to tell them might change, but what we are about never changes. So even though we might use different stories, reports, figures, pictures, etc. in communication they should all point to the part of us that never changes. This part of a communication strategy requires a bit of introspection. A core of knowledge of who we are and what we are about, and why we are doing it. It is from this knowledge we get our passion to do what we are doing, and challenge others to become part of what we are doing.

How are we going to get them to respond to us? We have to know where they are and how to talk to them. What they are paying attention too, reading watching, listening to, replying to. You can’t engage a person you can’t communicate to. This is were marketing comes in. How am I going to engage people? When I have an answer to How, I will have a communication strategy. The last question I have to answer is: does my strategy achieve the results I want it to achieve? or to put it another way is it an effective strategy? If it doesn’t achieve what I want to achieve,

  • it may be the result of not having a good, well thought through strategy,
  • or it might be the result of not having the right strategy for this group of people (or market).

At the end of the day though, if something is not achieving the desired results; I need to know:

  • What the desired results are
  • What results my strategy is producing
  • Why my strategy is not working

and then I need to make some adjustments to the strategy and apply the new revised strategy.