Learning things about house building…

So here is a list of things I am learning about house building:

Window Putty is not caulk.

  • http://ohp.parks.ca.gov/pages/1054/files/windowenergyanalysis.pdf
  • http://www.bi-glass.com/replacement-glass.php
  • http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-replace-a-broken-glass-pane-in-a-woodframe-.html
  • http://www.treehugger.com/sustainable-product-design/save-your-windows-and-your-money-indow-window-inserts.html
  • Cinderblock is not solid. Mounting fireplace mantels as a floating shelf to cinderblock is a challenge.

    All things considered Jerry's is a better hardware store than Home Depot or Lowes. Platt Eletric is often cheaper than Home Depot.

    Oscillating Multi-Tools are pretty much awesome.
    Not all 3-way or 4-way switches are wired the same. (http://www.buildmyowncabin.com/electrical/how-to-wire-4-way-switch-diagram.pdf)
    Old circuits might contain two power cables and a single return... as a black and a red and a white.

And Also a Playground

So, if I am going to do a shed in the front yard, then a playground should fit there too.

What kind of plans or ideas are out there, that I can draw from?

Here is a list of links with some helpful materials:


25 Free Backyard Playground Plans for Kids: Playsets, Swingsets, Teeter Totters and More!



Scotland 2015

I went to Glasgow, Scotland this summer.

While I couldn't go to Edinburgh, it inspired me to do some more research on my family tree.

Links: Monquhitter Parish

  • http://www.scottishchurches.org.uk/sites/site/id/3855/name/Monquhitter+Parish+Church+Monquhitter+Grampian
  • http://www.scottish-places.info/parishes/parmap259.html
  • https://familysearch.org/learn/wiki/en/Monquhitter,_Aberdeenshire,_Scotland_Genealogy
  • http://www.visionofbritain.org.uk/place/16558
  • Monquhitter School on Google Maps

Statistical Account of....

Building Wooden Trains

The potential to build my own wooden trains as recently been observed. That is, the idea does not seem soooo far fetched any more now that I own a router and a router table. Towards that end I have started to amass some ideas and some links. Some additional thoughts are that I could use a CNC machine. I would like to make my own CNC machine. To that end I have started another post about ideas for building my own CNC machine.

Some places to order router bits:

A second way to approach this would be to use a tool like a CNC Shark. This has a lot of appeal for replication of items. However, at nearly $4K (at Rockler) that is a lot to start out with. Better to get some experience first. Learn where I can source my supplies from etc.

Some plans for cutting track:

Tutorials on how to make curved track:

Some Places to get components for rolling stock or rolling stock:

Some places to learn about child safe paints:

Some places to order manufactured sets

Some places to get a custom branding tool or wood etcher to sign the pieces I make.


  • Wooden Train tables
  • Research Parts

    Thanksgiving can start now

    I am thankful that our car did not get towed last night. Lately she's been rather cranky at night and it is cold. We were out with some friends and she would not start after dinner. We got a ride home, but had to leaver her in a three hour parking lot for longer than three hours. Fortunately every morning she starts up on the first try (so far). Not quite sure what is wrong, there is some heavy rattling in the engine.