I was exploring the internet and I found a really cool plug-in in for WordPress. This plugin lets one define specific sets of plug-ins they want to repeatedly download for deploying websites. This is awesome! WordPress Install Profiles. Work smarter.
Category Archives: CMS
Third Wave Editing
The Need for Third wave Editing
EMails with Andy Black
Header Images for twenty eleven
It took me a while but I eventually found out how to add some custom images to the WP 2011 theme.
Here are the links which helped me:
Presenting Audio and Video on the Web
I have been trying to find out what is the best way to present audio on the web. This led me to look at how to present video too. I do not have any conclusions on the matter. But I have been looking at HTML5 and not using javascript or Flash. Because my platform (CMS) is WordPress, Continue reading
The Social Benefits of a Public Roadmap
Developing an understanding on how multi-lingual content needs to work on sil.org
Over the last few weeks I have been contemplating how multi-lingual content could work on sil.org. (I have had several helpful conversations to direct my thinking.)
As I understand the situation there is basically three ways which multi-lingual content could work.
First let me say that there is a difference between, multi-lingual content, multi-lingual taxonomies, and multi-lingual menu structures. We are talking about content here, not menu and navigation structures or taxonimies. Facebook has probably presented the best framework to date for utilizing on the power crowds to translate navigation structures. [1] Nico Vera. 11 February 2008. ¡Bienvenidos a Facebook en Español!. The Facebook Blog. https://blog.facebook.com/blog.php?post=10005792130 [Accessed: 5 March 2012] In just under two years they added over 70 languages to Facebook. However, Facebook has had some bumps along the way as DropBox points out in their post talking about their experience in translating their products and services. [2] Dan Wheeler. 18 April 2011. Translating Dropbox. http://tech.dropbox.com/?p=1 [Accessed: 5 March 2011]
- Use a mechanism which shows all the available languages for content and highlights which ones are available to the user. Zotero has an implementation of this on their support forums.
- Basically create a subsite for each language and then only show which pages have content in that language. Wikipedia does this. Wikipedia has a menu on the left side with links to articles with this same title in other languages. Only languages which have an article started in them on that title are shown in the menu.
- Finally, create a cascading structure for each page or content area. So there is a primary language and a secondary language or a tertiary, or a quaternary language etc. based on the browser language of choice with country IP playing a secondary role. If there is no page for the primary language then the next in preference will show. This last option has been preferred by some because if an organization wants to present content to a user, then obviously, it would be in the users’ primary language. But if the content is not available in the primary language then the organization would want to still let the user know that the content exists in another language.
It would also be good to understand the concepts used in Drupal 7 (and Drupal 8) for multi-lingual content. There are several resources which I have found helpful:
- Localized and Multi-Lingual Content in Drupal 7 [3]Karen Stevenson. 17 November 2011. Localized and Multi-Lingual Content in Drupal 7. Lullabot Ideas. http://www.lullabot.com/articles/localized-and-multi-lingual-content-drupal-7 [Accessed: 5 March … Continue reading
- Drupal 7’s new multilingual systems (part 4) – Node translation [4]Gábor Hojtsy. 31 January 2011. Drupal 7’s new multilingual systems (part 4) – Node translation. … Continue reading
- Drupal 7’s new multilingual systems compilation [5] Gábor Hojtsy. 5 May 2011. Drupal 7’s new multilingual systems compilation. http://hojtsy.hu/multilingual-drupal7 [Accessed: 5 March 2011]
- Drupal 8 Multilingual Initiative [6] Gábor Hojtsy. 26 January 2012. Drupal 8 Multilingual Initiative. http://hojtsy.hu/d8mi [Accessed: 5 March 2011]
It would appear that from this list of resources that Drupal’s default behavior is more in line with part two of the three examples given above.
↑1 | Nico Vera. 11 February 2008. ¡Bienvenidos a Facebook en Español!. The Facebook Blog. https://blog.facebook.com/blog.php?post=10005792130 [Accessed: 5 March 2012] |
↑2 | Dan Wheeler. 18 April 2011. Translating Dropbox. http://tech.dropbox.com/?p=1 [Accessed: 5 March 2011] |
↑3 | Karen Stevenson. 17 November 2011. Localized and Multi-Lingual Content in Drupal 7. Lullabot Ideas. http://www.lullabot.com/articles/localized-and-multi-lingual-content-drupal-7 [Accessed: 5 March 2011] |
↑4 | Gábor Hojtsy. 31 January 2011. Drupal 7’s new multilingual systems (part 4) – Node translation. http://hojtsy.hu/blog/2011-jan-31/drupal-7039s-new-multilingual-systems-part-4-node-translation [Accessed: 5 March 2011] |
↑5 | Gábor Hojtsy. 5 May 2011. Drupal 7’s new multilingual systems compilation. http://hojtsy.hu/multilingual-drupal7 [Accessed: 5 March 2011] |
↑6 | Gábor Hojtsy. 26 January 2012. Drupal 8 Multilingual Initiative. http://hojtsy.hu/d8mi [Accessed: 5 March 2011] |
From SHTML to WordPress
I wonder if I could use this Plugin, HTML import 2.0 to grab my old shtml website and bring it into WordPress.
Reviewing Webonary
This post is a open draft! It might be updated at any time… But was last updated on at .
In this reviewRegardless of the views expressed here in this review, it should be stated that I have high hopes for Webonary’s future. Some of the people working on Webonary are my colleagues so I attempt hedge my review with the understanding that this is not the final state of Webonary. I am excited that easy to use technology, like WordPress is being used, and that minority language groups around the world have the opportunity to use free software like webonary. I will be looking at the WordPress plugin, Webonary and several associated issues. Continue reading
World Map Navigation
For one of the web projects I am working in we have been throwing around the idea of having a world map as a navigation element. Each country would then be clickable. This kind of navigation has been done with hyperlinked bitmaps like the LL-Map project.
Or with flash like the Joshua project. I have not seen any implementations in HTML5 canvas or in SVG. It occurs to me that these technologies could be used. I am not deeply familiar with either technology. So I did some googling.I found some interesting articles on the matter.
- Performance of SVG vs. Canvas [1] Boris Smus. 19 January 2009. Performance of Canvas versus SVG. http://smus.com/canvas-vs-svg-performance [Link] [Accessed: 4 March 2012]
- How to Choose Between Canvas and SVG [2] Patrick Dengler. 28 September 2011. How to Choose Between Canvas and SVG. http://www.sitepoint.com/how-to-choose-between-canvas-and-svg/#fbid=6CJz-eeIXxl [Link] [Accessed: 4 March 2012]
- SVG or Canvas? Сhoosing between the two [3] Mihai Sucan. 4 February 2010. SVG or Canvas? Сhoosing between the two. http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/svg-or-canvas-choosing-between-the-two/. [Link] [Accessed: 4 March 2012]
- CanVG: Using Canvas to render SVG files [4] 29 March 2010. CanVG: Using Canvas to render SVG files. http://ajaxian.com/archives/canvg-using-canvas-to-render-svg-files [Link] [Accessed: 4 March 2012]
I am not sure that I have any answers but this is my thought towards the problem space.
There is one map of languages I have found which deserves to be mentioned. I am not sure of the technology used but it seems it would be either of these methods. It is the map of the Languages of California hosted at Berkeley.
↑1 | Boris Smus. 19 January 2009. Performance of Canvas versus SVG. http://smus.com/canvas-vs-svg-performance [Link] [Accessed: 4 March 2012] |
↑2 | Patrick Dengler. 28 September 2011. How to Choose Between Canvas and SVG. http://www.sitepoint.com/how-to-choose-between-canvas-and-svg/#fbid=6CJz-eeIXxl [Link] [Accessed: 4 March 2012] |
↑3 | Mihai Sucan. 4 February 2010. SVG or Canvas? Сhoosing between the two. http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/svg-or-canvas-choosing-between-the-two/. [Link] [Accessed: 4 March 2012] |
↑4 | 29 March 2010. CanVG: Using Canvas to render SVG files. http://ajaxian.com/archives/canvg-using-canvas-to-render-svg-files [Link] [Accessed: 4 March 2012] |
OAI-PMH for WordPress
Umm frankly, I am not sure anything out there right now is going to work to bring OAI-PMH services to WordPressConsider these three resources for more info on OAI:
- Main Technical Ideas of OAI-PMH
- Specification for an OAI Static Repository and an OAI Static Repository Gateway
- OAI-PMH Metadata Exchange
. If it does then is it going to be able to use WordPress to advertise things or is it going to use WordPress to aggregate things? if the former then nothing out there ever let the admin user choose which fields were matched to which attributes, dynamically. But if it is also the former then why would anyone actually want this functionality? What is the Use Case? If one is using WordPress as a bibliography reference system like some libraries do, then this makes a lot of sense. However, there is another use case I would like to present. That is, the website which is about several or a single language. There are potentially two ways to conceptualize this:
- If there were a website based on WordPress which was a dictionary website then the whole website might be considered a resource on a language. An example of this might be the use of SIL’s Webonary Plugin for WordPress and the Cherokee Language Project’s Dictionary.
- If there were a website presenting materials on several languages and each page was a resource on a single language then that would be a different use case. This would be more like what the Survey of California and
Other Indian Languages does or what the Central Institute of Indian Languages does.
Existing Foundation
- COinS-PMH (unAPI) WordPress Plugin (2005) [1] Peter Binkley. 9 December 2005. COinS-PMH (unAPI) WordPress Plugin. http://www.wallandbinkley.com/quaedam/2005/12_09_coins-pmh-unapi-wordpress-plugin.html [Accessed: 5 March 2012]
- Peter Binkley tagged blog posts for OAI.
- unAPI Server for WordPress. [2] Mike Giarlo. 19 May 2006. unAPI Server for WordPress. Technosophia. http://lackoftalent.org/michael/blog/unapi-wordpress-plug-in/ [Accessed: 5 March 2012]
- WordPress, now with added unAPI! [3] Peter Binkley. 18 February 2006. WordPress, now with added unAPI!. http://www.wallandbinkley.com/quaedam/2006/02_18_wordpress-now-with-added-unapi.html [Accessed: 5 March 2012]
- New OAI-PMH metadata format (It was an update).
I think there is a second question here too: why does one need OAI-PMH for wordpress… is it as a provider or as a consumer? If one needs a PHP app for OAI-PMH maybe they can use: https://github.com/caseyamcl/phpoaipmh
↑1 | Peter Binkley. 9 December 2005. COinS-PMH (unAPI) WordPress Plugin. http://www.wallandbinkley.com/quaedam/2005/12_09_coins-pmh-unapi-wordpress-plugin.html [Accessed: 5 March 2012] |
↑2 | Mike Giarlo. 19 May 2006. unAPI Server for WordPress. Technosophia. http://lackoftalent.org/michael/blog/unapi-wordpress-plug-in/ [Accessed: 5 March 2012] |
↑3 | Peter Binkley. 18 February 2006. WordPress, now with added unAPI!. http://www.wallandbinkley.com/quaedam/2006/02_18_wordpress-now-with-added-unapi.html [Accessed: 5 March 2012] |