The other day I was looking at a UN website and one of the pages which showed some promise was full of Lorem ipsum. Strange cause it was a live website.
If you need more Lorem ipsum check out Archives: November 2011
Cross-posting post from one WordPress Site to another
I set up another WordPress site and I wanted to transfer what I had written there to this site, so that all my writings would be together. This would include comments, links and attached media, and metadata about the post.
- Xpost: Cross-post was the first plugin I found and it seemed to have a lot of really nice features.
- Transfer: the main difference between the two based on author description is that this one said that it also transferred images attached with the post.
So I tried Transfer first.
However, when I installed Transfer, it said that it could not find the Zend Framework… Warning: require_once(Zend/XmlRpc/Client.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home1/public_html/username/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/transfer/library/Aperto/XmlRpc.php on line 3
Path values changed to protect the innocent.
The plugin requires that one download Zend Framework Minimal ( and put the Zend folder under /wp-content/plugins/transfer/library/
I did this and I would get the WordPress white screen of death. I was told that this white screen of death was because my provider terminated a process (I had maxed out my user’s memory allocation) This white screen happens on one of my installs but not on another under a different user… so, not sure what is going on – Neither WP install would transfer the post. To get around the white screen of death I had to de-activate the plugin by editing the database.
I had initially failed to read the install requirement for Zend, so I found another solution for adding Zend to wordpress.
So I knew I needed to install the Zend Framework, I am sorta surprised that Dreamhost, my hosting provider did not have Zend set up on my server in a way that WordPress was automatically going to detect it. Oh, well is there a plugin for that? – Uh, yes there are like a gilzillion! So I went with the first one: Zend Framework [or also in WP-Extend]. I loaded it and then added the helpful code found in the online WordPress forums.
Go to your wp-config and paste this right after * @package WordPress part and before // ** MySQL settings – You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** Zend Framework **/
function add_include_path ($path)
foreach (func_get_args() AS $path)
if (!file_exists($path) OR (file_exists($path) && filetype($path) !== 'dir'))
trigger_error("Include path '{$path}' not exists", E_USER_WARNING);
$paths = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, get_include_path());
if (array_search($path, $paths) === false)
array_push($paths, $path);
set_include_path(implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $paths));
After I did both of these things all of my errors went away.
I did try a second plugin, WP-ZFF Zend Framework Full for installing the Zend Framework, this one said that the plugin would modify the include path so I thought that could use this without modifying wp-config.php
but the plugin failed on import so I deleted it.
So in the sad case I that I was not able to get Transfer to work I moved on and decided to try Xpost.
Xpost [on WP-Extend] was a breeze to set up and I actually got it working for a simple post. However, I was not able to select the target category in the master WP install, from the writer’s WP install (The test post I used just when to the default category).
The test image was not transferred to the media library of the master WP install from the writer’s WP install. Additionally, if the category of the post is changed in the Master WP install, then the writer’s WP install loses track of the post. This is only temporary… If the writer tries to cross-post the post again, then the This results in the writer not being able to update the post. (Red error message is shown.) But if the writer tries a second time then the original post in the Master WP install is found, and updated. Including the “removed” category. However, this “removed” category was intentionally moved by the editor on the Master WP install. So this creates a bit of a conflict. BTW: It would be nice to be able to select a special custom post type for imports.
It seems that Xpost was designed to broadcast out rather that to ingest.
Did we do input Sanitizing?
Image found at:
Diving into the UX World
For the past few weeks I have been working with a team on redoing a large corporate website (almost two large corporate websites).
During the course of the project I have had several people, who are unfamiliar (and familiar) with web technology talk with me about UX and UI, but in terms of Design. They might say: "We need a re-design. Our branding is not displayed well." or the might say " Oh, but it was designed to do that, it is doing exactly what it was designed to do!" So, most of the people (I am encountering) talking in terms of design, are talk about the business design or the function of a website at a very high level. Not the UX and UI level of design. I have tried to explain it in the following terms
The words Usability and Design each suffer from a very unfortunate ambiguity. Usability in a very raw sense means is a tool usable. Just because every tool can be a hammer, does not mean that every tool should be shaped like a hammer. Design in computing also suffers a similar fate. If some computer tool does something, it does so because it was designed to do so. This does not mean that the computer tool is esthetically pleasing or that it creates a good impression on its user. An impression of such a nature that the user might want to come back to the site and use it again. The following diagram contrast the words, functional, reliable, usable, convenient, pleasurable, and meaningful.
Because images show so much more than words I looked around for some images to describe the difference I have been trying to communicate. This has resulted in the following collection of images. In the process of linking to these pictures I hope to introduce my readers to some of the ongoing discussion of professional UX design and development.
This image was take from Peter Morville's article on User Experience Design. [3] Peter Morville. 21 June 2004. User Experience Design. [Accessed: 8 November 2011] [Link]User Experience Design is the art and science of integrating all the various elements that comprise an interactive system so that:
- The user's needs, limitations, goals, desires, expectations, are served
- The publishing organization's objectives are served as a result of serving the user's (#1)
- The whole is greater than the sum of the parts
This Diagram of the Flickr user experience model has been attributed to Bryce Glass by Kenny Chen on 5 April 2008, at [4] Bryce Glass. Diagram of the Flickr user experience model. [Accessed: 8 November 2011] [Link]
This image comes from What Is User Experience Design by Kimmy Paluch. [5] Kimmy Paluch. 10 October 2006. What Is User Experience Design. [Accessed:8 November 2011] [Link]
This image is taken from User Experience Strategy. [6] Luke Wroblewski. 27 July 2005. User Experience Strategy. [Accessed: 8 November 2011] [Link]
Additionally there some good articles:
- UX ROI: User Experience Return on Investment [7] 10 October 2009. UX ROI: User Experience Return on Investment. [Accessed: 8 November 2011] [Link].
- User Experience vs. User Interaction [8] 23 December 2010. User Experience vs. User Interaction [Accessed: 8 November 2011] [Link].
- The difference between Usability and User Experience [9] 23 December 2010. The difference between Usability and User Experience. [Accessed: 8 November 2011] … Continue reading
- Strategy by Design, the second page - about Recruiting T-Shaped People, was interesting. [10] Tim Brown. 1 June 2005. Strategy by Design. [Accessed: 8 November 2011] [Link]
↑1 | Jesse James Garret. 30 March 2000. The Elements of User Experience. [Accessed: 8 November 2011] [PDF] |
↑2 | Michael Commings. 16 August 2010. UX Design Defined. [Accessed: 8 November 2011] [Link] |
↑3 | Peter Morville. 21 June 2004. User Experience Design. [Accessed: 8 November 2011] [Link] |
↑4 | Bryce Glass. Diagram of the Flickr user experience model. [Accessed: 8 November 2011] [Link] |
↑5 | Kimmy Paluch. 10 October 2006. What Is User Experience Design. [Accessed:8 November 2011] [Link] |
↑6 | Luke Wroblewski. 27 July 2005. User Experience Strategy. [Accessed: 8 November 2011] [Link] |
↑7 | 10 October 2009. UX ROI: User Experience Return on Investment. [Accessed: 8 November 2011] [Link]. |
↑8 | 23 December 2010. User Experience vs. User Interaction [Accessed: 8 November 2011] [Link]. |
↑9 | 23 December 2010. The difference between Usability and User Experience. [Accessed: 8 November 2011] [Link]. |
↑10 | Tim Brown. 1 June 2005. Strategy by Design. [Accessed: 8 November 2011] [Link] |
MAMP Helps
I use MAMP for my local test environment. But I have recently moved beyond just PHP apps. I am also looking at using Tomcat. I would like to mess around with DSpace locally and use Solr also. But I have found a couple of helps for adding things to MAMP.
- Adding Tomcat:
- Solr: [Some more from]
- WordPress MultiSite Subdomains on MAMP:
- XHProf: While I was in Austin I learned about XHProf for PHP so now I want this too…
- Drush: I also want Drush for working with Drupal. But this does not need to live in the MAMP folder. I just don’t know where else is safe. (I should have more on Drush later.)
One of the problems I am facing is that I really like apps like MacPorts. But I do not want to tinker with the CORE and default setting of my OS X machine. So I find that MAMP is a good alternative, but I can not type a command in the command line and have all the dependencies download automatically. I recently found that I could do something like this with Homebrew…. Never used it before but it looks to be the tool for the job. So I have collected a few tutorials like: installing php5.3, Using an gmail as a smtp server, and setting up solr.
This October, when Becky and I went to Malaysia she insisted that I try durian. Having never been to Asia before one might think that I would have a hard time describing this “Asian fruit”.

Durio Kutej

Well I did try it. Some of the guys I was with were even very fond of it.
Here is my summary:
- Is kinda structured like a pomegranate on the inside but has pointy things on the outside
- Smells like Liquid Augmentin
- Feels on the tongue like over steamed cauliflower
- Throws like a hand grenade
- And it stays on your breath for two days.
Some Notes on Using FLEx
During the workshop there was ample opportunity to observe how 80 people interact with the same piece of software.
Of the 80 participants no more than 10 were from the university. While I was presenting my session I asked some technology owned questions and I found out that: Continue reading