Tag Archives: Eugene
Sick for Easter
This weekend three of us were knocked out sick. Hugh V was as bright as could be. He was sick two days prior. So we did lots of snuggling and outside walks.
Skinners Butte Columns

Capital Hill PUD Thoughts
I can see Capitol Hill from my house. As a matter of personal preference I would not like my view of Capitol Hill to change.
What if:
* The Capital hill PUD was capped at 14 new houses? What if the tree cut count was amended and lowered?
* One of those properties was used to buy out a Fairmont neighbor?
* Assume that the bought out Fairmont neighbor’s property was contiguous to the university?
* Then the University and Fairmont both donated 50% of the land needed to build a parking garage.
* A trust was set up to be jointly owned by the University and Fairmont Neighbors Association, and the trust owned the parking garage.
* Parking would be free for students, and would charge for events. Feeded parking would be used to offset maintenance cost of the garage.
* Other parking on the streets of Fairmont would be reduced to residents and their guests.
* Ask the architecture school at the U of O to submit designs - pro bono. As for designs that would integrate form and function and be within the character of the fairmont neighborhood estetic.
* Ask the Knight Foundation and the U of O alumni association to sponsor it.
* What size parking garage would be needed? 500 spaces? More?
* How many duplexes are in the planned PUD? How many ADUs?
I think our challenge as neighbors is not to simply oppose the Capital Hill PUD, but rather to come up with alternative economic options which preserve our ecological values and also help the current land owner realize the most from his economic investments. Rather than just “no” what alternatives have been proposed?
Identifying as female
This week Becky called FredMyer and place an order for pickup.
She sent me to pick up the order.
I arrived and called the required number and said that that I was here to pick up the order for Rebecca Paterson.
The order was rather large so the two male clerks came out with the two carts and proceeded to load the content into the minivan. One of the clerks proceeded to verify the content of order with me via his iPad. Several times he asked: “you’re Rebecca Paterson?” So finally I said: “Yes, I’m just not identifying as female today.” “And given the length of my beard, I don’t identify as female most days.”

Mid pandemic plans for future

New Fence
Before we move it’s time to take down the old falling apart fence and put in a new fence with some style.

Date time!
I took Katja to Falling Sky Delicatessen. It was great. I love having my little girl around.

Eugene socio-political resources
This is just a list of links to help me keep track of all the different kinds of web resources in Eugene politics. Point of view is not important to this list, and listing is not an endorsement. What is important is that they relate to local government in some way.
Running for office
Petition with the city for office - one needs only 25 signatures https://www.eugene-or.gov/518/Elections
Registering a PAC or candidate committee: http://sos.oregon.gov/elections/Pages/campaigncommittee.aspx
In Oregon one needs to register with the Federal IRS first: https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/political-organizations/filing-requirements-1
Then register with the state via ORESTAR: Running for office in OregonFor Finances
Find a Financial services solution: https://www.onpointcu.com/
Other links about important discussions
- https://www.citizensforsensibleoversight.org/
- http://www.eugeneperformanceauditor.org/
- https://electedauditor4cityaccountability.org/
Missing bear found!
Blue bear, which is actually a dog… has been found. Blue bear is Katja’s special companion. He goes everywhere. Last Sunday he decided to stay the week at South Eugene High. It was a rough week without him — especially at bedtime. Katja would tell us that blue bear was sleeping in his sleeping bag. However, this Sunday he was found and returned! Things are looking up.