Kinder Eier

When I was a kid, part of the whole special experience that a Kinder Überaschung Eier created was due to the novelty of the characters they created. It was their toys and their ideas.

Now, it seems that they have in some way reduced to catering to facilitating mania. It is as if their brand isn’t as big as it once was and they think that they need to piggyback on someone else’s moment. It’s really say that they don’t seem to be able to retain their uniqueness in both brand and culture.

Paw patrol? Really?!?

German Waters

One thing that I had not even factored into my upcoming move, and my trip to Germany was a change in the taste of water. Our water in Eugene at Baker Boulevard is simply the best. It might be the copper pipes, but it taste fresh.

So I decided to test out two German waters and compare it with the Evian water.

The Evian water tastes mineral-infused, rather than fresh-glacial. The one on the left, in the glass bottle, has the strongest mineral taste. Mostly I bought it for the glass bottle over the plastics, but it is also not to my tastes.

Strawberry and Riesling 2024

This is very likely the last jam for a few years.

Earlier this season we got a number of pounds of strawberries and froze them. Tonight we chopped them in the ninja and then cooked them down in a double batch using certo gelatin packs. I also added 1 1/3 cups of Château St. Michelle 2014 ‘harvest select’ Riesling. It was exceptionally golden wine that year and the year before if I recall correctly.

Super sweet and good wine.
It may not be as golden now 10 years later but it still tasted good.
As I recall there was a significant number of CSM corks that lost their bottom segment when they were opened.
Finished jam in the back and one of three batches this year.

Thanks Becky! 10 years ago we got this wine for this purpose. Mission accomplished.

Lidl in New York

Lidl is one of those low cost groceries in Europe which is trying to exercise its brand in the United States.

My experience with Lidl is that its product line is not all that great.

Most chocolate bars in the dark chocolate area have “chocolate liqueur” rather than cocoa as its ingredient.

When I looked at its granola options each granola had high fructose corn syrup as an ingredient.

Finally, we bought a can of black peas and sixty percent of the can was water.

In the USA Lidl as experienced in New York may be a low cost grocery, but it is also a low value product line.

Food containers

I have noticed the proliferation of plastic food containers recently. Sometimes there are even multiple layers of plastic encasing food goods. The whole situation is endemic to the international commercial practices around food sales. I seem to remember more glass containers when I was a kid… but that may just be me.

The recent discussion about PFAS chemicals has me wondering how many of these chemicals are used in food packaging?what are our products shipped in?

Has anyone noticed how they pack those organic foods into PFAS coated containers?

Why did these olives need to be sold in a plastic bag rather than a glass jar?