Need to Add LREC Workshops to

From time to time I need to reference Heidi Johnson's work published as part of the LREC workshops in 2002 and 2006 under the title: "International Workshop on Resources and Tools in Field Linguistics". The papers never got hosted on the official LREC website. Rather the papers were hosted on the MPI website.

Who do I talk to about getting these papers into the database of papers. They would get the attention they need in that paper repository.

Linking Minority Language Dictionaries to Open Data

What is the role of a dictionary?

Is the role of a dictionary to regulate or to standardize spelling? Is it to validate a speech variety as being real or a bon fide language? Or is it for documenting and establishing the relationships and connections between things (plants, animals, fish, spirits/gods, medicines, etc.) as they are emicly viewed, for connecting people via collaboration, or connecting related concepts and their classes together into documented sets? Or even connecting these things and relationships as they are viewed in one culture to the same things and relationships as they are viewed in another culture or more broadly cross-culturally? Continue reading