Category Archives: Stories
Visual Metadata
Today I gave Becky her birthday gift. I got her a guitar stand and a new hat. The perfect combo to help someone move into a new place, a new level of interest in an old skill and a new look/persona to go with the music.
Hugh Paterson (1781) of Edinburgh
This July 7th, Becky and I stepped foot in Edinburgh Scotland. It is kinda surreal with it gray overcast and old architecture. We were there to look into some family history records.
Prior Research
My dad, Hugh Jr. (also son of Hugh Jr.) and his sister took a trip to Scotland some years ago.

The Hugh Jrs (Both were Hugh Jr. and didn't know it. Well the younger one knew he was a Jr.)

Hugh Jr., (my dad) and his sisters on their Scotland Trip.
Balsa Wood Model Airplanes
I have tried my hand at a few model airplanes. I really like the detail, planing, engineering and creativity required to build models. The first model airplane that I build was a balsa wood piper cub. I was just out of first grade. My dad guided me in the production of this plane (or maybe I was assisting him…). We cut the wood from the designs. We glued with pins in a tack board. We doped the tissue paper. Continue reading