I have been investigating some new video equipment for language documentation. Currently highly recommended is the Osmo Pocket 3 and the GoPro Hero 11 (as this has GPS embedded whereas the GP12 does not). It is not entirely clear if the GP13 has GPS or not.
My kids and I started using our Radwagon 4 this year to commute around the Belle Mead area of New Jersey.
Often we make the trip into Princeton. Today we got our things loaded up on the bike and just as I had started the electrical assistance the front tire tore off and we crashed at the end of our long-ish driveway. To be clear our front quick release axle was tight before departure (departure on our 40 second trip). Also we are evidently not alone in this experience.
Our use is rather low as we have just started using the bike about two months ago and are at 279 miles.
We are concerned for two reasons.
First we are sad about what happened and desperately want to know how to fix the broken parts. My son expressed it in the moment like this:
Second, we’re not entirely sure how this happened and we are concerned that it might happen again. We travel roads and there are cars on those roads so we want to be sure the equipment we use is not going to fail. Damage to our bodies included scrapes, bruises, and jarring. But the bike sustained moderate damage including a bent disc break in the front, a bent drive wheel, a broken front splash guard and scraped paint in several places including the front basket and back runners.
The front wheel ended up under the bike. We were all scraped up. Hugh’s BackMy HandMy ElbowMy LegBend to the back cage. Front disc break completely bentDemolished front fenderDented and bent front drive chain
From what I read on the internet I see that the front axle doesn’t have “Lawyer tabs” which would prevent the axle from moving out of the forks. This seems to be a design flaw but the design around the forks is short and there isn’t really a way to add my own. A newly designed fork, like those mentioned here, would be a welcomed addition.
I put this list together for Katja's learning and exposure. The context is that she is 9 and has had 4 years of exposure and two years of bi-lingual education in French.
Au Maroc : Grand explorateur du monde, Arthur L’aventurier se rend cette fois-ci au Maroc afin de découvrir ce pays fascinant qui renferme des trésors uniques. En chanson, il raconte sa découverte d’une faune diversifiée peuplée de macaques de Barbarie, de bourricots, de fennecs, de cigognes et de flamants roses. Émerveillé, il relate son expédition dans le désert du Sahara à dos de dromadaire et sa rencontre d’un peuple fantastique qui possède une culture d’une richesse extraordinaire.
Au Zoo de Granby : Arthur L'aventurier part à la rencontre des animaux du Zoo de Granby : girafe, panda, lion, tortue, rhinocéros, lama, hippopotame ou encore tigre, effraie des clochers, rhinocéros et wallaby.
En Australie : Arthur L’aventurier réalise un grand rêve : découvrir l’Australie, ses magnifiques paysages naturels et ses animaux exceptionnels. Le voyageur préféré des enfants rend visite à sa grande amie Jade, vétérinaire au refuge Au bout du monde pour animaux blessés. Il fait également la connaissance de Matéo, soigneur animalier, et de Finlay, 5 ans, qui adore la nature. À travers un jeu proposé par ses camarades, Arthur partira à la découverte des koalas, kangourous, dingos, crocodiles et autres animaux typiques du pays.
Dans les Rocheuses : Arthur L'aventurier transporte les enfants dans un univers d'une beauté exceptionnelle rempli de trésors naturels : les Rocheuses canadiennes. En images et en chansons, les enfants découvrent les hautes montagnes, les lacs majestueux et les grottes.
Au Costa Rica : Être un aventurier ou une aventurière selon Arthur L’aventurier, qu’est-ce que ça signifie? C’est s’émerveiller, se laisser vibrer, affronter ses peurs et être accro au bonheur! Et tout ça, au Costa Rica!
The first time Katja swam with me at the Rec pool she asked me if this was a dangerous pool to swim at. The question caught me off guard. I asked her what she meant. She said that the life guards were on the same side of the pool and talking to each other instead of watching the swimmers. So today I took a picture of one guard on break behind me and the other two chatting with each other.
Katja, we don’t swim because some coach thinks we have skill, or because some race will be easily won, or because we like some teammate. We swim because the water needs a swimmer like us and deserves the fastest we can give it.
Katja has been a big help getting the new fence in place.
Earlier this year I stained the boards
I needed a hat in the sun. I dug the post holeStablizedI taught her how to use a clamp as a third hand. We used the level to create an even bottom. Inside completed. Then she hung the outside boards.
So I buy blueberries for my kids and they leave them til they mold. The neighbors’ bush goes ripe and they pick three quarts and eat nothing but blueberries all day.