
Last time we rented out our house… someone left an impression… in the wall.  Preventative measures were taken to prevent such atrocities in the future via a section of 2×4 and a piece of carpet which were laying around… today I am happy to introduce to you a new counter measure in the form of a new doorstop acquired from the ReStore for 50¢.  (No popping tags).

A new doorstop in the bathroom
And one in the boiler room
And since we have the old drywall we’ll put that back too


The long slow endurance climb

I thought I was doing well till I got to the locker room today and talked to the high schoolers. I asked them how far they swim in a week. 50km—that is insane. Two practices a day at 7-8k a practice. I’m so far off from state level. Granted a young high schooler could be my kid.