Minorities in US Law

Granted there are different parts of US Law, but I'm just reading this for the first time and find the definitions interesting and far from how linguistic departments often think of minorities...


These MSI's outlined in law were brought to my attention through the work the the department of homeland security... opinions aside on the role and mission of DHS, it makes me wonder if this "research" is to better serve DHS regardless of how it is directed and does that mean minorities are more severely impacted due to this research, so what is the ethical component of this "research"... though I may not be fully understanding the context of DHS's purpose...

Originally from: https://www.zintellect.com/Opportunity/Details/DHS-SRTMSI-2023-FacultyApp

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Summer Research Team (SRT) Program for Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) is now accepting applications from faculty at Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) interested in participating in a summer research team experience. Selected Faculty will be invited to submit a Team Application including a Research Project Proposal developed in collaboration with a DHS Center researcher and applications from one or two qualified students.

The program seeks to increase and enhance the scientific leadership at MSIs in research areas that support the mission and goals of DHS. This program provides faculty and student research teams with the opportunity to conduct research at the university-based DHS Centers of Excellence (DHS Centers). At the end of the ten week appointment, faculty collaborate with center to apply for up to $100,000 in follow-on funding to continue research during the 2023-2024 academic year at the faculty’s home academic institution.

This year’s participating Centers of Excellence are:

Center for Accelerating Operational Efficiency (CAOE)
Center of Excellence for Cross-Border Threat Screening and Supply Chain Defense (CBTS)
Criminal Investigations and Network Analysis (CINA)
Critical Infrastructure Resilience Institute (CIRI)
National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education (NCITE)
Soft-target Engineering to Neutralize the Threat RealitY (SENTRY)

Topic Modeling in Python

What if my import pd data array was the OLAC metadata schema?




Beginners Guide to Topic Modeling in Python

How to Use Bertopic for Topic Modeling and Content Analysis?








Chepang Bibliography

While doing my thesis I also was working on a Chepang Bibliography.

some leftover links to include are:

https://www.reap.insitehome.org/handle/9284745/36889 Unkown resource.

Chepang text: Descriptive, Personal Jungle encounters Introduction & set 1

Gurung, Tamang, Thakali, Sherpa, and Chepang prosodies

https://reap.sil.org/browse?value=cdm:Chepang&type=language (82 items)

Clause, sentence, and discourse patterns in selected languages of Nepal 4: Word lists

Bibliography notes:



ELAR roles and OLAC

While doing my Masters Thesis, I took a look at the contributor roles declared for various works. One thing I noticed is that even though Stuart McGill contributed two corpora to ELAR when these corpora get translated to OALC the translation mucks the metadata so that only one resource shows up with his name.


I asked the archive director about this and my understanding/recollection from that conversation is that metadata was piped through the TLA. https://lat1.lis.soas.ac.uk/ds/asv/?0&openpath=538104 I think the above record was also at the preveious link... but it doesn't resolve currently and there have been technology stack changes at ELAR since my Thesis was released. Here is the interface in the Internet Archive for a different record.