Category Archives: Blogging
EditFlow and CPT management through a workflow
Plugin Abandonment
In the open source development world there is a lot of emphases on developing software to solve specific problems, there is much less emphasis on solving those problems well. That is, solving those problems so the most people are serviced, or so that users of software have the flexibility they need (there is also often a lack of commitment to User Experience Design but this is a shameless side plug). And there is often a real lack of collaboration around competing solutions. This is evident in the software which is created for use by linguists (usually also coded by linguists for solving the linguists’ challenges) but this is also evidenced in a different sphere of programing in the WordPress eco-system. In the WordPress eco-system there is a plethora of plugins which are abandoned. WordPress is GPL’d and so these plugins are GPL’d too. However, the repository – the human visual interface to the repository – allows for coders to grab code, and modify it for their ends, but it doesn’t allow for merging once the plugin has been “updated”. (It is true that not all changes are “updates”, sometimes people need one-off solutions.) But the net result is that early 1/3rd of all plugins for wordpress are abandoned. Their developer has been paid and has now ended their relationship with the commissioning client, or the WordPress eco-system no-longer requires the service options provided by that plugin. Matt Jones created an info-graphic to illustrate this point and to bring awareness to the problem. My comments below are my reply to him, with some minor corrections .
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Help with some WP theming
I have created several custom taxonomies. I have even gotten them to display in the post single page (generally following this tutorial) using my child theme.

Theme Example or see it in a screenshot here:
- Not every post contains a term from one of my custom taxonomies.
- And some posts contain more than one term from one of my custom taxonomies. So I would like to have "and" inserted before the last term of the list if the list is greater than 1 term. eg. term1, term2, and term3
So, I need to do some magic with an if{ elseif{
kind of stuff but I am not sure exactly what the syntax should be or how to get it there.
Currently I have: Continue reading
I liked that you liked that I liked…
This “like” business that facebook is producing is a bit overrated. Now they are letting people like the liking… How far will they let this recursion propagate?
Email Befuddling
So, the common concern is:
If I put my email address "out there" on the web that spammers will get it and start sending me spam messages.
Well, that is a valid concern. There are scripts and crawlers which go around and look for email addresses. (And lets suppose that they also do not check for a robots.txt file.) These generally work by focusing on the syntax of the email addresses using Regular Expressions or finding the mailto:
term in the HTML code. There are some things which can be done to prevent this from happening.
- The best way is to use contact forms.
- The second best way is to use JavaScript hiding. (Go here to read how to do this if you are running your own HTML pages, or here if you want a site which will create a JavaScript for you.)
- The third best way is to use HTML characters for your email addresses.
- One way that I severely dislike is to spell out the email address or phone number like (you see a lot of this on sites like craigslist and after a few spam text messages one understands why it is done):
or hughdot
Permanently accessible? to whom?

Bush house: the BBC World Service is leaving its home after 71 years
Photo: Paul Grover via The Telegraph
↑1 | Christopher Middleton. 7:30 am BST 10 Jul 2012. For sale: Bush House, a landmark of BBC World Service history. The Telegraph on-line. [Link] [Accessed: 19 July 2012] |
↑2 | Jonathan Prynn. 11 July 2012. Buy a bit of BBC radio history… or an entire studio. London Evening Standard on-line. [Link] [Accessed: 19 July 2012] |
↑3 | Paul Ridden. 12:41 pm 12 July 2012. Updated: BBC World Service equipment and memorabilia to go under the auctioneer's hammer. gizmag online. [Link] [Accessed: 19 July 2012] |
Drush like pluign for WordPress
I was exploring the internet and I found a really cool plug-in in for WordPress. This plugin lets one define specific sets of plug-ins they want to repeatedly download for deploying websites. This is awesome! WordPress Install Profiles. Work smarter.
Third Wave Editing
The Need for Third wave Editing
EMails with Andy Black
Header Images for twenty eleven
It took me a while but I eventually found out how to add some custom images to the WP 2011 theme.
Here are the links which helped me: