Publishing on typing analysis

For a while I have been looking for a venue to publish my work on typing analysis. Finally there are some journals for this sort of work.

Linguistic Issues in Language Technology

Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics (JLCL) (requires LaTeX)

NEJLT: Northern European Journal of Language Technology (requires LaTeX)

The Journal of Language Teaching and Technology

Language Learning & Technology (Requires MSWord)

LaTeX Journeys

There are some really nice templates out there for Latex... I need to look at xLingPaper and then take a look at what I want to do and if I want to create a look-alike template in LaTeX. All things considered XLingPaper still pulls data nicely from FLEx. But I haven't used FLEx in a bit.

I really like CharisSIL and Linux Libertine. ACM two-column format really looks nice, in Libertine, but I haven't checked the linguistic symbols with it recently.

I'm a big Chicago (autor-date) fan...

The taylor & Francis Interact template is really nice

Annotated Bibliography Options

I'm a big Zotero fan. I have two gripes with Zotero.

  1. Annotated Bibliographies are hard to create because one can't use notes. There are some other options. Here are two guides.
  2. Filtering resources so as to edit them or edit in bulk.

I started looking at biblatex options. Jabref is the leading software I have found. It does not have an easy sync for PDF files in a team. Here are some latex templates. It would be good if I could find a flexible template in latex.

Mixing LaTeX and Markdown

Several ways to do this.

Latex in Markdown files, markdown in Latex files, and conversion between the two...

Interesting to me was the ability to do syntax highlighting from markdown... it seems easier than listings and might work better than XML for use with XLingPaper

Latex Legal citation

I'm looking for ways to use XeLaTeX and create legal citations in law reviews. In the USA this means following the Bluebook, but this has not been implemented in LateX.

The most productive discussion is here:

biblatex chicago is mentioned and I wonder if I can use it in my other work to.

I wonder if I could mix these with the typography here:

In any case It looks like I need to think about biblatex.

Though this law citation package looks really interesting and I ought to explore it more:

See also:

The problem with the following linked generic version is that their citations are all hand crafted.

Software Needs for a Language Documentation Project

In this post I take a look at some of the software needs of a language documentation team. One of my ongoing concerns of linguistic software development teams (like SIL International's Palaso or LSDev, or MPI's archive software group, or a host of other niche software products adapted from main stream open-source projects) is the approach they take in communicating how to use the various elements of their software together to create useful workflows for linguists participating in field research on minority languages. Many of these software development teams do not take the approach that potential software users coming to their website want to be oriented to how these software solutions work together to solve specific problems in the language documentation problem space. Now, it is true that every language documentation program is different and will have different goals and outputs, but many of these goals are the same across projects. New users to software want to know top level organizational assumptions made by software developers. That is, they want to evaluate how software will work in a given scenario (problem space) and to understand and make informed decisions based on the eco-system that the software will lead them into. This is not too unlike users asking which is better Android or iPhone, and then deciding what works not just with a given device but where they will buy their music, their digital books, and how they will get those digital assets to a new device, when the phone they are about to buy no-longer serves them. These digital consequences are not in the mind of every consumer... but they are nonetheless real consequences.
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