Initial thoughts on Google Drive

So I have two computers I work with regularly to accomplish certain tasks. The organization I work with/for recently decided to go with google services. including Google Drive. I had been previously using DropBox and thought that because we were making a corporate switch that it would be good form to move work related materials from the DropBox account to the office Google Drive account - leaving me more space for my personal content in the DropBox account.

Currently I can not get my computers to sync. This is a problem. I quit the client and restarted it and the documents synced.

One other annoying feature is the advertisements. If there is one thing that Google does do is advertise. I have downloaded and registered two computers with my Google Drive account, so one would think that Google and all their information sharing capacity built into their terms of service would already know that I know about the local client for Mac but evidently not.

Google does advertise

Google does advertise

Too many terms of service

You might have heard about the recent change in the Google terms of service. I have, several times. I use several Google services. Logistically, this makes a lot of sense. They sent out an email quoted below saying that they were consolidating over 60 terms of service agreements. I have had two thoughts about this

  1. Why is there no blowback or negative PR for Google like there was for FaceBook? [1]Eric Eldon. 11 May 2010. Analysis: Some Facebook Privacy Issues Are Real, Some Are Not. [Link] … Continue reading
  2. This is the sort of scenario I have been warning one of the companies I am working for about creating. We have 3-4 separate online communities currently with separate terms of service with two other major communities about to launch. This is part of the User Experience which should not be over looked.

BTW: I am grateful for the centralization at Google.

Google Terms of service

Google Terms of service

Dear Google Apps administrator for _________,

We’re getting rid of over 60 different privacy policies across Google and replacing them with one that’s a lot shorter and easier to read. Our new policy covers multiple products and features, reflecting our desire to create one beautifully simple and intuitive experience for your users across Google products.

As always, Google will maintain your data in strict compliance with the confidentiality and security obligations provided to your domain.

If you permit your users to access optional additional Google services for your domain, your users may separately receive notifications communicating the new Privacy Policy. You can visit your Google Apps control panel at any time if you’d like to review the additional services accessible to your users.

We’re excited about the improvements we are making across our products and appreciate your support. You can view the new privacy policy at These changes will take effect on March 1, 2012.

Please do not reply to this email. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. Also, never enter your Google Account password after following a link in an email or chat to an untrusted site. Instead, go directly to the site, such as or Google will never email you to ask for your password or other sensitive information.


1 Eric Eldon. 11 May 2010. Analysis: Some Facebook Privacy Issues Are Real, Some Are Not. [Link] [Accessed: 10 February 2012]