Awesome Hat…

Well, I like hats... they keep my head warm and sunburnt free. A month or two ago I got a hat for riding my bike in the winter. I got the hat from REI, but of course there are other places where one can get similar hats. My wife likes the hat (on me), Katja like the hat (on her), and I like the hat even when I am not on the bike. Evidently I am not the only one who likes these hats either.Some call the hat style a swrve Belgian Wool Cap, but all I knew was that it was highly functional and stylish.

brimbini from REI

brimbini from REI

About two weeks ago a friend, who is also a biker (of the human powered kind), asked where I got the hat from... that got me thinking: How hard would it be to make one of these hats? I should try and sew one sometime, it only took this lady five tries
Me holding my newborn nephew while wearing my swrve hat

Me holding my newborn nephew while wearing my swrve hat.

Creative commons in U.S. Government

I am a big advocate of creative commons. I think it makes a lot of sense for a lot of reasons. One arena I have been watching the growing use of Creative Commons licenses is in the U.S. Government. I am particularly interested in the issue of over licensing. That is, my understanding is that the Federal government can not be a copyright holder unless someone else created the work and then gave the work to the US Government, and that items (creative works and intellectual property) created by the government can not be copyrighted, such content is by law supposed to be in the public domain. Therefore, when a government (in this case the U.S. Government) produces content and licenses the content under creative commons, doesn't that mean that they must copyright the material and then release the material under license? The following website talks about data - government data, and how that is legally supposed to be open. (And Ben Balter gives some really clear suggestions here: There are certain rights reserved, like the use of logos. In short I am a bit confused then by moves in the Department of Labor and the Department of Education where the CC-BY license is adapted:

Is this just saying that if I create something with money from the Federal Government then that work needs to also be CC-BY?

The Creative Commons wiki currently says about the US Government:


Works by the US federal government are automatically part of the public domain in the US as stipulated by
Third-party content (such as the text of speeches by the first lady) on the White House web site are licensed with CC BY 3.0 US by default.
President-Elect Transition Team, Barack Obama and Joseph Biden. CC BY 3.0 Unported. (Not an official federal government site, but an election team site, hence not required to be public domain.)
The U.S. Department of Education has made OER an invitational priority in their Ready to Learn (PDF) and Ready to Teach (PDF) grants.
The U.S. Department of Education has included open educational resources in their Notice of Proposed Priorities for discretionary grant funding. Essentially, if the priorities are adopted, it could mean that grant seekers who include open educational resources as a component of an application for funding from the Department of Education could receive priority.
The U.S. Department of Labor and Department of Education commit $2 billion to community colleges and career training; CC BY required for grant outputs.
The U.S. Department of Labor Career Pathways Innovation Fund Grants Program; CC BY required for grant outputs.
U.S. Open Data Action plan is under CC0 + some federal datasets: report (pdf); blog post


New York State Senate, Senate Content, CC-BY-NC-ND with CC+ allowing non-political fundraising use of content.
State of Virginia, legislation that indicates a preference for state-funded materials to be released with a CC (or equivalent open) license.
Washington State open policy and requirement of CC BY
New Hampshire adopts Open Source and Open Data requirements (policy friendly to CC use, but not a specific CC tool adoption)
OER K-12 bill passed in WA state. The focus of the bill is to help school districts identify existing high-quality, free, openly licensed, common core state standards aligned resources available for local adoption; in addition, any content built with public funds, must be licensed under “an attribution license” (CC BY)
The city of Washington, D.C. has made available an unofficial copy of the DC Code under the CC0 Public Domain Dedication.

So, as a business person looking at the limitations of CC-BY and the DMCA. If I were a grant recipient from the department of labor, and I wanted to profit from the output of the grant, I could make all the output CC-By and then release that content via an app that I sell. Make the app with funds not from the grant and make the content only available via the app. Hacking the app would constitute Copyright infringement and would be enforceable via the DMCA.

Creative Commons does not solve the open access and permanent access guarantee problems.

The big chair

When I was little (like three years old) my parents got a lazy boy rocker.  I have many fond memories in that chair. First sitting next to my mom or my dad, and then on their lap because I had gotten bigger. Then on the arm because a sibling had taken the lap position. That chair left many lasting impressions. It was the place where I was read the books: the cross and the switchblade, brother andrew, and the silver chair. I would also read many of my own books in that chair.  

Today I went to a furniture store to look at table designs. They happens to have some lazy boy recliners.  None that felt the same as the one growing up. But it left me wondering… if I am going to have a chair like that in my house with my kids.  

oversize wide lazyboy chair

lazy boy chair with room for a little one

“Biblical terms”

There are phrases in some bible translations which are sometimes referred by American Christians as "biblical terms". I "wonder" should our perspective be to hold these terms as "biblical terms" or should it be "in another culture they have an idiom…" (or in an older stage in our own culture, or in another culture that also used English). My point is that it seems that we intentionally or unintentionally elevate the language of the Bible without focusing on the culture in which the events and letters are sent. It seems that by taking this approach we decontextualize the original message. One inadvertent result of removing the cultural context is that it allows us to recontextualize the text in our own mental framework. Instead of looking at the message as it was conveyed from party "A" to party "B"along with the cultural abnormalities of the methodology used to convey that message.

My example is comes from sitting in church and hearing the preacher reference the following verse while explaining the phrase "he fell asleep".

And falling to his knees he cried out with a loud voice, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them." And when he had said this, he fell asleep. - Acts 7:60

Similarity by not understanding the context of the common culture in which the stories were generated it allows an errant contextual vacuum to form in our understanding of the original text. In the following verse what does "Son of Man" mean?

And he said, "Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God." - Acts 7:56

Stephen – of Acts 6

Sociology and conflict resolution. In thinking of recent events. And social response. I am personal agitated by these tactics.  Not at a personal level but at a strategic level.

The author of the book of Acts writes about the strategy used to counter the apostles. 

9 Then some of those who belonged to the synagogue of the Freedmen (as it was called), and of the Cyrenians, and of the Alexandrians, and of those from Cilicia and Asia, rose up and disputed with Stephen.

10 But they could not withstand the wisdom and the Spirit with which he was speaking.

11 Then they secretly instigated men who said, "We have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses and God."

12 And they stirred up the people and the elders and the scribes, and they came upon him and seized him and brought him before the council,

13 and they set up false witnesses who said, "This man never ceases to speak words against this holy place and the law,

14 for we have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and will change the customs that Moses delivered to us." - Acts 6:9-14

A quick review of WordPress Timeline plugins

I looked at several WordPress plugins tonight. My requirements were that I would be able to create a timeline based on Custom Content Types created by Pods, and then I would be able to sort by a custom field (meta_value) on that content type. I found a plugin which met my requirements on the second try. However, I turned up a few other potentials which I might want to look at for other projects.

These are the plugins I tried:

  • Utlimate Timeline - Works off of post date for the content type selected. What I want is for it to order based on a custom field in the post type selected. Otherwise a nice plugin - not too slow.
  • Timeline Grid - It worked and met the requirements!
  • Viavi WordPress Timeline - Did not work. Produced three errors in the admin section when loading the plugin. (If the codebase was a fork of Timeline Grid, then it is possible that there was a conflict because both were activated at the same time.)

Some other untested plugins:

CNC Laser

Continuing on my thoughts about woodworking, I was looking at laser engraved wood and CNC machines. Here are a couple of DIY videos from YouTube.

There is a company here in Eugene which specializes in this.

Here is a DIY project page:

It also seems that andrio or bananna pi are also used.