
The long slow endurance climb

I thought I was doing well till I got to the locker room today and talked to the high schoolers. I asked them how far they swim in a week. 50km—that is insane. Two practices a day at 7-8k a practice. I’m so far off from state level. Granted a young high schooler could be my kid.

The swimmers

Sometimes as a parent one has to encourage their child to do something their child doesn't want to do. That time can today. I had to pull teeth to get Katja to come to the pool with me today. I told her she only needed to swim 3 laps. After much cajoling we got to the car. By the time she got to the pool, she had a kick board and was off. I got a few laps in and she met me at the far wall of the 25 yard lane. She says to me: " I want to swim 12 laps". And so she did. So.. from poolside observer 4 years ago so swim partner today.

Swimming and not

Being a solo parent is hard. Sometimes it can mean taking your kids with you to do the thing you do.

I Swim in the mornings to keep my sanity. But this means figuring out what my little girl can do without me while I swim. One particular cold morning I helped her with her bag of things to do including drawing and music and my warm sleeping bag.

Katja and her things
Frozen deck at the pool.