Using DCMIType: how would I classifying a curated garden or Bacteria vs viruses.
Here is my outline for the paper on physical objects
Using DCMIType: how would I classifying a curated garden or Bacteria vs viruses.
Here is my outline for the paper on physical objects
I attended several papers and presented my own paper at NASKO 2023.
I was impressed with the paper presented by Julia Bullard.
Thesaurus Construction for Community-Centered Metadata [long paper] by Julia Bullard, Nigel Town, Sarah Nocente, Aleha McCauley and Heather O'Brien.
There were several things that I appreciated about it. While my observations and impressions are not directly related to the paper's subject the paper helped me think about other sorts of things as I struggle through my own thoughts and contexts.
Another thing was that Julia used the term "Extractive" as in the scholars of the university had an "extractive relationship" with the community. For me the term "extractive" with regards to "extractive research" has never been very clear. It has always seemed to be a highly charged term with lots of finger pointing without an clear definition. Therefore it seemed to be one of those general accusations which could never be defended against nor proven false. My first exposure to the term was at an ICLDC plenary where the speaker was asked questions and the term came up in either the plenary or the discussion. In reflection on the ICLDC conversation I think the speaker was from Canada, so maybe the term has some wider use in that geographical context than what I am used to. However, in Julia's case I really appreciated the definition of "extractive relationship" that she provided. She defined it as the non-accessibility of research results. Specifically applied to the way that researched peoples would think to access the results. Thi is an interesting dynamic to explore. For example, is it still extractive research if one collects information from individuals, but does provide the information back to the individuals, but then doesn't provide the community access to the sum of the participant's information? What about a summary of the information rather than the raw information? Would that still be extractive? Does extrative only apply in academic contexts or does it also apply in corporate contexts? Can non-profits be extractive? What if the research information was collected but there was no permission to share and the collecting organization can point back to that lack of permission to share, would that be extractive? The information serves the purpose of the organization but not the diverse purposes possible in the community or other actors within the community.
Finally, there was the topic of the creation of the thesaurus. There were a variety of terms that they sought to recontextualize. Presumably subject terms. I assessed these in a 4 part grid based on the kind of management practice needed. Top-left is severity, top-right degree of offensiveness, bottom-right Null-results or no Change, While in the bottom left were addressable terms where they were able to bring in a subject matter expert to engage with the materials and provide alternative terminology.
I found Carlin Soos's paper addressing issues in Generative AI based author attribution very interesting. I need to follow up with Carlin on these issues. He addressed it in terms of attribution and plagiarism, arguing strongly that it is not plagiarism but that there are other trace stakeholders in the mix. This has certain links to Linguistic applications in information annotation. There are other sorts of links to how universities craft policies. At UNT plagiarism includes the idea that an author can plagiarize their own work. This is crazy in my opinion. The administrative goal is to limit creative output to certain classes of creative efforts. Therefore anything outside the KO acknowledged by the administration is plagiarism. Since there is a social supported offense against plagiarism it is seen as evil. We see a similar approach to how governments define "terrorist organization". Different governments apply "security measures" for different reasons.
In the context of my own paper, Thomas Dousa asked a very important, and not unanticipated question regarding the types of bonds in the archival bond. Specifically what types of bonds exist and do these types of bonds infer that different series should be established within a collection of language resources. The clear answer is yes there are different kinds of bonds between resources, but it is less clear if there are any kinds of bonds which don't also occur in other kinds of archival collections. Establishing why something should be split remains an open area of research.
Finally, there was an interesting comment which cam out in a discussion, I think deserves some research. the comment or phrase "metadata is cataloging for men". Where did this phrase get its first use? is that documented?
Subject analysis is very interesting. In a recent investigation into a theory of subject analysis, I was introduced to the concepts of: "about-ness", "is-ness", "of-ness".
Sometimes I wonder if linguists defy standard practices in subject representation, of if they define what a general population holds as a challenge with subject analysis in cataloging.
I harken to the OLAC application profile, which is based on Dublin Core. Dublin Core does not scope the subject element to "about-ness" analysis. UNT curriculum, informed and based (in structure) on Steven J. Miller', Metadata for Digital Collections: A How-To-Do-It Manual. The issue at hand is that for linguists, about-ness is only relevant for Information resources representing analysis. For other kinds of resources such as primary oral texts, or narratives captured via video which are often the object analyzed and discussed in information resources representing analysis, the primary view on subjecthood is through of-ness. As far as I know no-one has discussed audio and of-ness descriptions of audio.
It also makes me wonder if genre is mostly about utility and not about a binding style. To this end then a scholar looking for a phonology corpus, is looking for what—a combination of things—a MIMEType, with a relationship to another MIMEType, with an of-ness of a kind and a subject of "phonology".
By splitting up the concepts of: "about-ness", "is-ness", and "of-ness" it provides analytical space for more articulate descriptions in the dc:description field. But when it comes to language materials, the question is: is language a subject by virtue of "of-ness" or by virtue of "about-ness"? There are several implications here:
One of the frequent things I hear about OLAC is a critique of its Resource Type vocabulary. The OLAC application profile adds linguistics resource types in addition to DCMITypes and an unqualified DC type value. What I don't hear from these same cries for additional descriptive power is for a structured way to use any of the existing resource type vocabularies. Let me list a few:
It has been argued that the Dublin Core Type field is an example of a genre field. This may be true in some sense, but I have a tendency to think of it in terms of an interactivity type field; more of a modality field.
This makes Zotero recognize it as a thesis
DC = Dublin Core: This may refer to simple Dublin Core which, depending on the time of writing may refer to the original 15 elements. See Phelps (2012)
DCMI = Dublin Core Metadata Initiative as used by Cole (2002), later changed to Dublin Core Metadata Innovation; but the term innovation does not appear on the current-(2022/2023) Dublin Core website, or it's parent organization ASIS&T.
QDC = Qualified Dublin Core as used by Cole (2002).
DCMES = Dublin Core Metadata Element Set: Generally this means the 18 elements 15 of which are in the DC 1.1 namespace and the other three in the DCTERMS namespace. In prefered parlance elements are known as properties, however due to the historical practice of using Dublin Core within an XML context and seeing these properties used XML elements, the term elements was applied. In my opinion, choosing a term like "properties" from the parlance of RDF is just as jaded. Used for example by Ward (2004), Saadat Alijani & Jowkar (2009), Phelps (2012), Jackson et al (2008), and Nevile & Lissonnet (2004).
DCMS = Dublin Core Metadata Standard. See Eckert et al (2009) and Quam (2001).
DCMES 1.1 = Dublin Core Metadata Element Set; Simple Dublin Core.
DCTERMS = Dublin Core Terms or Qualified Dublin Core.
Cole, Timothy W. 2002. “Qualified Dublin Core Metadata for Online Journal Articles.” OCLC Systems & Services: International Digital Library Perspectives 18 (2). MCB UP Ltd: 79–87. doi:10.1108/10650750210430141.
Eckert, K., Pfeffer, M., & Stuckenschmidt, H. (2009). A Unified Approach for Representing Metametadata. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, pp. 21–29. Retrieved from
Jackson, Amy S., Myung-Ja Han, Kurt Groetsch, Megan Mustafoff, and Timothy W. Cole. 2008. “Dublin Core Metadata Harvested Through OAI-PMH.” Journal of Library Metadata 8 (1). Routledge: 5–21. doi:10.1300/J517v08n01_02.
Phelps, Tyler Elisabeth. 2012. “An Evaluation of Metadata and Dublin Core Use in Web-Based Resources.” Libri 62 (4). doi:10.1515/libri-2012-0025.
Nevile, L., & Lissonnet, S. (2004). The Case for a Person/Agent Dublin Core Metadata Element Set. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, . Retrieved from
Quam, Eileen. 2001. “Informing and Evaluating a Metadata Initiative: Usability and Metadata Studies in Minnesota’s Foundations Project.” Government Information Quarterly 18 (3): 181–94. doi:10.1016/S0740-624X(01)00075-2.
Saadat Alijani, Alireza, and Abdolrasool Jowkar. 2009. “Dublin Core Metadata Element Set Usage in National Libraries’ Web Sites.” The Electronic Library 27 (3). Emerald Group Publishing Limited: 441–47. doi:10.1108/02640470910966880.
Ward, Jewel. 2004. “Unqualified Dublin Core Usage in OAI‐PMH Data Providers.” OCLC Systems & Services: International Digital Library Perspectives 20 (1): 40–47. doi:10.1108/10650750410527322.
The issues is that OLAC and these other uses of Dublin Core don't agree in the semantics of spatial coverage.,the%20focus%20of%20an%20activity.
Critical question here, is one where we ask: "what do English think geography is for language?"
Thinking deeply about:
This record is interesting in that they use a dot notation for Dublin Core.
They also have 4 total schemas used in their application profile, in contrast to extending dublin core with custom serializations.
This application profile is interesting because the use Additive DC:Type values to refine each other...
There are several Dublin Core Uses... but what are the models behind them? Are they the same? Are they different? If they are different then does this mean that Dublin Core is more like a brand name than a metadata standard?
Note that in they use DC1.0
When another application profile "borrows" the DC property/term/element... how do they borrow it?
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