Building a marble run

I finished the first couple marble run blocks this week. Introduced them to see how the play factor would work. A little bit advanced for my audience. But still interested in them.

CA glue…

This is my first project with CA glue. I have a set of shelves in a dark hallway. My idea is to add LEDs as under lit area under each shelf. The task has been to embed the LEDs in the wood shelf. And then to cover them with plexiglass. Are used CA glue to attach the plexiglass to the finished wood shelves.

One thing I did not know about CA glue was how it’s offgassing would etch the plexiglass. This seems to be corrected if we use the CA glue curing excelerator.

The climbing gym 2nd time

I took Katja to the climbing gym again. It is really fun to watch her. She gives it good effort. This time she really wanted to use chalk. It is really hard to belay your daughter and take photos. She got all the way up to H on the alphabet wall and then wanted chalk. I couldn’t give it to her so she got mad and then she couldn’t think about coming down clearly. The shoes are a bit big still.

Who is Jesus when we are in a temporary culture?

This morning at church we sang the song Ever Be. Part of worship is leading people in reverent thought and attitude. The lyrics made me think. Particularly the verse that goes:

Your love is devoted

Like a ring of solid gold

Like a vow that’s been tested

Like a covenant of old

Your love is enduring

Through the winter rain

And beyond the horizon

With mercy for today

while there is a lot of symbolism in this imagery, the phrase like a covenant of old makes me wonder why the phrase of old is included.

Why is this not redundant information?Is it for the poetic effect of nostalgia? Or is it because the audience listening to the song needs to remember that there were covenants in an era not like the current era? This seems to indicate that covenants do not exist in and among the common populace of the current era.

If what we know about God is through analogy, and biblical texts, as divine inspiration are God’s way of communicating to us through things and experiences known to us in our culture then who is Jesus to a culture that has only a nostalgic connection to covenants? Particularly the theological view that Jesus is the fulfillment of a covenantal promise? Who is Jesus now?

New family car

The time has come to look for a new car. I was out with Katja running some errands. We passed by this truck which of her own volition she pointed out to me. She said as we walked by:” Big truck”. My thought is that this might be a candidate for a new family car. It can fit a 4′ x 8′ sheet of plywood and a car seat in the back seat. Seems to fit our requirements.

Round or oval logos?

On the drive back from Ohio this year, we stopped in Bend for breakfast, well maybe it was more like lunch. And it’s not very often that I get over to bend so I had to stop that I wanted to make. About four years ago my wife got me to taste her glasses from Deshutes brewery. We actually use these glasses as juice glasses, and they’re perfect for a hydrating an airborne tablet.

So since we’ve been using them a little more I thought I might get me another one or two. After stopping by I realized that they change the logo on their glasses. Now I don’t have a matching set. I asked the bartender in the manager if they had any old ones and they said no. But Dunlap the bartender and I had an interesting conversation about logos. It was his point that it’s all the rage right now to have to choose between oval and around logos but I think the greater point is missed.

One logo appears to have a lot of white space around while the other takes up a big physical presence. In logo and marketing design we are trying to get imagery to convey meaning and attitudes of the things they are representing. So I feel the second logo the folder round larger physical presence logo is in someways saying “look we are the brewery trust us our beer/product is good”. Where as the former logo a little oval and a little bit more white space around it is saying “look at the beer”, “it happens to be brewed by us”. It seems that the older logo, the oval one, is a bit more humble. It invites a dialogue, which involves the tasting of the product they want to sell.