Missing bear found!

Blue bear, which is actually a dog… has been found. Blue bear is Katja’s special companion. He goes everywhere. Last Sunday he decided to stay the week at South Eugene High. It was a rough week without him — especially at bedtime. Katja would tell us that blue bear was sleeping in his sleeping bag. However, this Sunday he was found and returned! Things are looking up.

The old books

When I was in 6th grade my grandpa flew to Germany and stayed with us for a few weeks. He and I pulled out my dad’s train set and put it together. I remember the really old catalogs from the 1950s that my dad had.

Tonight Katja was sitting on my lap looking at my old LEGO catalogs. She must have sat there for 45 minutes going through them.

Is and am

Katja has two verbs of note: is and am. Last night we heard “am” for the first time. We heard the response “me am” to “you should be laying on the pillow”. In contrast to new verbs “is” has been a long standing verb of location. “Me is up”, “me is down”, or “me blanket is”. Is is almost exclusively used along side ideas of location. And is often in phrase final position. As in “is mommy?” For something like “where is it mommy?” Whereas “mommy is?” would be “where is mommy?”

It is cute how her language choice evolves. The new lexicon is displayed, the old home speak word diaper, pronunciation evolves. In one way I loath the change. It is sad to loose the old forms. They are often so straightforward and morphology simple. Part of me says I should be recording this speech, but I’ll never review it. Maybe 5-10 minutes of it the night before she gets married. But in reality, not really ever.

The climbing gym 2nd time

I took Katja to the climbing gym again. It is really fun to watch her. She gives it good effort. This time she really wanted to use chalk. It is really hard to belay your daughter and take photos. She got all the way up to H on the alphabet wall and then wanted chalk. I couldn’t give it to her so she got mad and then she couldn’t think about coming down clearly. The shoes are a bit big still.