Drupal – The conversion….

I have been a WordPress fan since 2005. I have run several sites using WordPress simultaneously since then. Running WordPress is dead easy. I can wrap my head around it. This past January, a colleague was ecstatic about the release of Drupal 7. I was a bit less ecstatic. (More the I'm glad you are excited, kind of guy.) Then I saw the new admin interface and my interest piqued. So I downloaded a few modules and bam! I saw the power. Amazing. Totally a reckless learning curve but still something beautiful.
Drupal Learning Curve Text
My story was much the same as Kevin Dees. [1] Kevin Dees. 9 November 2011. Is WordPress an Anti-Pattern?. http://kevindees.cc/2011/11/is-wordpress-an-anti-pattern . [Accessed: 27 November 2011] [Link] This fall I went to Drupal Camp Austin and was able to wrap my head around a few more things. (Mostly things which showed me there was still a lot to learn.) So from time to time you will see that I will post some things I am learning about Drupal.

Drush for WordPress

While I was at Austin I kept hearing about Drush. Then when I got back home I resized that I needed to download a lot of modules to work on a particular web site. I could do this several times or I could learn to use Drush with Drush Make. Drush is a command line shell and scripting interface for Drupal. Once I found the power of it I started looking for something similar in WordPress. I don't think there is anything exactly like Drush but there are two projects [2] Leo Nelson. 24 October 2011. Drush for WordPress. http://www.leonelson.com/2011/10/24/drush-for-wordpress . [Accessed: 27 November 2011] [Link] worth checking out check out:

  1. WP-CLI or WordPress Command Line
  2. WPshell

However it does not seem that there is a Drush Make for WordPress. Although there has been some thought about how to make Drush Make "cross-platform" and work with other CMSes like WordPress. Wouldn't it be nice if WordPress developers got handed a tool from the Drupal community....


1 Kevin Dees. 9 November 2011. Is WordPress an Anti-Pattern?. http://kevindees.cc/2011/11/is-wordpress-an-anti-pattern . [Accessed: 27 November 2011] [Link]
2 Leo Nelson. 24 October 2011. Drush for WordPress. http://www.leonelson.com/2011/10/24/drush-for-wordpress . [Accessed: 27 November 2011] [Link]