Secure and expensive

Our house in New Jersey has these automatic locks by Lockly that lock automatically when the door closes. However, the net impact of these locks on human behavior is such that humans who find that the door locks behind them perceive the locks as a nuisance. Therefore, they either disable the lock or leave the door open. Leaving the door open in a home with a large-footprint open floor plan home rapidly changes the interior temperature. More traditional and pragmatic floor plans have constructed a foyer or mud room as a temperature barrier between the main living space and the entrance.

In the national conversation about home energy efficiency, locks and human interactions based on replaceable and disposable “amenities” such as locks are rarely discussed as they seem in-material to energy efficiency. However, humans interact with the internet of things (that these locks are a part of) and do create habits which impact energy consumption.

More discussed are architectural design choices in homes. But the long term impacts of not having a middle space and temperature barrier within the structure seems to be a gross oversight that many consumers and mass-home-builders don’t think about. It is something which should be brought back into the common design of newly built homes.

Lockly locks
Front number pad

Design Review…. of iTunes 11

I was having some difficulties with iTunes 10.7 so I opted to update to iTunes 11, now I want to roll back. My opinion is that the UI (and to an extent the UX) sucks, sorry Jonathan Ive. – Yet at the same time I realize that as artists when we have come to a new “enlightened” state about one of our designes solving more relevant problems we have to wipe away the old version and reach out for the new potentials. But in this case I think bringing over the design elements from iOS is a bit overkill. It does not respect the device and the mood created by the device (bring touchscreen to the Mac and I might reconsider).

I have several beefs Continue reading

Digital Literacy vs. Literacy in a Digital Medium


Several months ago, I posted a question to Facebook about digital literacy.

What is the role or place of Digital Literacy in a company that values literacy as being vital to reaching its goals?

I have had several months to contemplate the question and I realize that I was a bit ambiguous in my question, or rather my question could not have been understood concisely. Digital Literacy can and is used to mean Continue reading