SVG Font creation and usage
Today I have been working on an online CV. I needed a button for downloading a PDF version of a PDF. I wanted it to fit in with the Font Awesome and Academicons that my theme uses.
- Not all SVG files are created equally. - The first file I bought did not work with the font editor. But SVGs from the nounproject did.
- There is an online SVG font editor that worked really well for me.
WOFF usage
Another issue for me was the text font. I needed to display some combining diacritics with a clear font.
- There are some really good resources for adding CSS code for font faces...
- I had to learn a little bit about web fonts.
- I wanted to use SIL's CharisSIL font but it is not available via Google Fonts as a web font (but other SIL fonts are: Andika, Gentium Basic, and Gentium Book Basic). So I had to use SIL's down-loadable version and host it locally.
- FontSquirrel is really a great way to look at the base characters in a font. But it does not show renditions of glyphs comprised of bases and combining diacritics.