Serials, MARC Records and RDA Core

So I have several questions:

  1. What does a high (over the top) MARC Record look like both for the ISSN(s) and the article?
  2. What is the overlap between RDA Core and Dublin Core?
  3. What user tasks are left out between RDA full and RDA Core?

Some resources:

For RDA tips:

RDA Core

RDA Core for serials:

OLAC CMS options via XML

One plan for pushing language resources to the web en-mass before a full django application is available is to use Hugo and its XML input process to parse OALC/OAI-PMH files (generated with an OAI-PMH bash script) and then convert bibtex entries to xml (using Jabref or commandline) or JSON. The content issue to overcome is that pages in Hugo have to have front matter. The XML and JSON are both content and front matter (or visible front matter). I think I need to generate an .md file for each entry meaning XML data is not really that useful. But there may be hope