The old books

When I was in 6th grade my grandpa flew to Germany and stayed with us for a few weeks. He and I pulled out my dad’s train set and put it together. I remember the really old catalogs from the 1950s that my dad had.

Tonight Katja was sitting on my lap looking at my old LEGO catalogs. She must have sat there for 45 minutes going through them.

Great Resources for Property owners in Eugene Oregon

There are at least three resources for records on real estate properties in Eugene (though there could be more as well). These three are

  1. Eugene City Records
  2. Lane County Records
  3. Eweb Records

Eweb is the local electricity, water, and sewage provider.

Useful links for public information

There are a couple of things to check, these include any open permits at either the county or the city, an closed permits (to know what improvements were actually permitted), past ownership of the property and what was paid for the property (sales history), any deed restrictions, and any social history of the property.

City Pointers

General Pointers

  • City records are generally organized by address.
  • County records are generally organized by map & taxlot number.
  • I have found this blog article generally informative:
  • One way to indirectly evaluate contractors is to look at their closure rates on city permits. That is, how many permits have they successfully closed and is that typical for a contractor? How many have they left open?
  • Past sales:
  • Zoning:

Reading tax records and RLID

  • When reading the building classification code this PDF explains the codes used.

Generally helpful documents if leasing your home in Eugene

  • ORS CH 90