I know I won’t touch all the mental concepts that Katja has right now. But here are some (more noun like concepts) that I can easily remember:
- Beard
- Bird
- Bath
- Blueberry
- Ball
- Bottle
- Bye(-bye)
- Dad
- Mom
- Water
- <æ> for Andrew
She has some verb like categories or actions that I think are salient as well. Some of these things are tactile motor movement skills which require some sort of mental conceptualization, while others are directional in nature:
- up (which is not just vertical, but might include “hold me”, or switch people holding me)
- down
- open (pull)
- closed (push)
- More (food)
- Turn around to get off the couch or go down a step
- Point
- Wave bye-bye
- Soft hands (as in gentle hands — when she is pulling my beard)
- Dance
- She also crawls and assisted walks
- Feeds herself (we can assume that she can feel hunger)
- Takes things off: She doesn’t like anything on her head, can take her pants off
- She likes to reach out with her index finger and thumb and experience the feeling of hair
- Reads a book while cooing to herself
- Plays the drums
- She is music aware
- She is speech sound aware (she knows she hears a sound she is not making and that it is different than what she is making) for instance the difference between <ah> and <u> but can not yet pronounce <u>.
She has a sense of emotion that clearly includes:
- Happy laughter
- Empathy when others are crying