During the presentation yesterday on PREMIS, which I liked very much, it seemed that a multi-author survey of archival institutions which conduct media transference and also participate in OLAC, would be an interesting group project which would have publishable results.
Such a project might have three components:
- A “crosswalk style” mapping between PREMIS data values or fields and where those may appear in the OLAC profile. (How would one know if this information were available? or put another way, if an institution were to use this framework how could they publish that metadata via the OLAC profile?)
- A review of current practice as evidenced by what we can see in OLAC records. (Are institutions contributing this metadata? and in what capacitiy?)
- A questionnaire or interview with specific institutions conducting digitization. Offhand I think the following do digitization: Alaska Native Language Archive, Kaipuleohone, SIL L&CA, PARIDESIC, Oxford Text Archive, and the COllections de COrpus Oraux Numeriques (CoCoON ex-CRDO). (In what ways are institutions solving the problems that PREMIS helps to solve?)