The Bialey
On the way back from Switzerland Becky and were convinced to stay with my Aunt in New Jersey for two nights. New Jersey and New York are my favorite places for bagels. So we went out for breakfast… A lightly toasted everything bagel with two eggs and cheese. It is New Jersey goodness. My aunt took us to a really good bagel shop…. The map to the Bagel shop. [maptype=G_HYBRID_TYPE;panzoomcontrol=large;overviewmapcontrol=hide;scalecontrol=hide;maptypecontrol=show;align=center;zoom=13]
They had something called a Bialey. This is like an everything bagel but is probably made with a different dough and the toppings are mostly in the center. I had never heard of a bialey (but it is in the social dictionary) before so the guy gave me on to try… Really good. But I would still rather have my everything bagel with two eggs and cheese.