This past week my brother Jedediah came and visited. It was a motivating visit. We got a bunch of things done. Did a lot of visiting. Luckily I had it all planned out…

Planning for Jed to come

We started out the visit with a trip to see the Firebird

Then we went to see some KJV 1611 Bibles

At the Zoo

Looking at old war birds - as if the firebird was not enough

Medieval Times - They have Jousting! - Jed on Facebook

Some crazy Soup lovers...

We did some game playing. Jed was introduced to Cities and Knights.
Jed really showed some of his mad skillz while he was here too.

Roof work with Jed

Revealing the Italian toilet in our bathroom
Italian Toilet

It was all bent...

Have you ever noticed my brother's Eyebrows?
Tonight I managed to Kilz the bathroom (with Becky’s help of course).

Bathroom Kilz'd
That was am amazing visit!
It was. Looking forward to another!