Drupal – The conversion….

I have been a WordPress fan since 2005. I have run several sites using WordPress simultaneously since then. Running WordPress is dead easy. I can wrap my head around it. This past January, a colleague was ecstatic about the release of Drupal 7. I was a bit less ecstatic. (More the I'm glad you are excited, kind of guy.) Then I saw the new admin interface and my interest piqued. So I downloaded a few modules and bam! I saw the power. Amazing. Totally a reckless learning curve but still something beautiful.
Drupal Learning Curve Text
My story was much the same as Kevin Dees. [1] Kevin Dees. 9 November 2011. Is WordPress an Anti-Pattern?. http://kevindees.cc/2011/11/is-wordpress-an-anti-pattern . [Accessed: 27 November 2011] [Link] This fall I went to Drupal Camp Austin and was able to wrap my head around a few more things. (Mostly things which showed me there was still a lot to learn.) So from time to time you will see that I will post some things I am learning about Drupal.

Drush for WordPress

While I was at Austin I kept hearing about Drush. Then when I got back home I resized that I needed to download a lot of modules to work on a particular web site. I could do this several times or I could learn to use Drush with Drush Make. Drush is a command line shell and scripting interface for Drupal. Once I found the power of it I started looking for something similar in WordPress. I don't think there is anything exactly like Drush but there are two projects [2] Leo Nelson. 24 October 2011. Drush for WordPress. http://www.leonelson.com/2011/10/24/drush-for-wordpress . [Accessed: 27 November 2011] [Link] worth checking out check out:

  1. WP-CLI or WordPress Command Line
  2. WPshell

However it does not seem that there is a Drush Make for WordPress. Although there has been some thought about how to make Drush Make "cross-platform" and work with other CMSes like WordPress. Wouldn't it be nice if WordPress developers got handed a tool from the Drupal community....


1 Kevin Dees. 9 November 2011. Is WordPress an Anti-Pattern?. http://kevindees.cc/2011/11/is-wordpress-an-anti-pattern . [Accessed: 27 November 2011] [Link]
2 Leo Nelson. 24 October 2011. Drush for WordPress. http://www.leonelson.com/2011/10/24/drush-for-wordpress . [Accessed: 27 November 2011] [Link]

One thought on “Drupal – The conversion….

  1. Thanks for the mention.
    Drush make files are great. Well worth looking into. It is great if you use it with Features as well.
    You can deploy complex sites in no time this way.

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