World Map Navigation

For one of the web projects I am working in we have been throwing around the idea of having a world map as a navigation element. Each country would then be clickable. This kind of navigation has been done with hyperlinked bitmaps like the LL-Map project.

LL-Map Bitmap

LL-Map Bitmap

Or with flash like the Joshua project.
Joshua Project Front page with Map

Joshua Project Front page with World Map

I have not seen any implementations in HTML5 canvas or in SVG. It occurs to me that these technologies could be used. I am not deeply familiar with either technology. So I did some googling.
I found some interesting articles on the matter.

  • Performance of SVG vs. Canvas [1] Boris Smus. 19 January 2009. Performance of Canvas versus SVG. [Link] [Accessed: 4 March 2012]
  • How to Choose Between Canvas and SVG [2] Patrick Dengler. 28 September 2011. How to Choose Between Canvas and SVG. [Link] [Accessed: 4 March 2012]
  • SVG or Canvas? Сhoosing between the two [3] Mihai Sucan. 4 February 2010. SVG or Canvas? Сhoosing between the two. [Link] [Accessed: 4 March 2012]
  • CanVG: Using Canvas to render SVG files [4] 29 March 2010. CanVG: Using Canvas to render SVG files. [Link] [Accessed: 4 March 2012]

I am not sure that I have any answers but this is my thought towards the problem space.

There is one map of languages I have found which deserves to be mentioned. I am not sure of the technology used but it seems it would be either of these methods. It is the map of the Languages of California hosted at Berkeley.

California Languages Map

California Languages Map


1 Boris Smus. 19 January 2009. Performance of Canvas versus SVG. [Link] [Accessed: 4 March 2012]
2 Patrick Dengler. 28 September 2011. How to Choose Between Canvas and SVG. [Link] [Accessed: 4 March 2012]
3 Mihai Sucan. 4 February 2010. SVG or Canvas? Сhoosing between the two. [Link] [Accessed: 4 March 2012]
4 29 March 2010. CanVG: Using Canvas to render SVG files. [Link] [Accessed: 4 March 2012]

Home Transformation Project

Finished the new office. – and put some new photos up in the living room just in time to move.

Router in Closet

Today I put my router in so that the Gigabit LAN network could fly...

Becky and I in the new office in November of 2011

Becky and I in the new office in November of 2011

We also set up a bunch of pictures on our wall...

We also set up a bunch of pictures on our wall… Just in time to move. Not exactly strait but close enough.

Presenting Professionals 2

Current situation at

The question has come around to: How does a company present its employees? This question is interesting in an SIL web context because there are no less than 5 places, and potentially more, where SIL staff are presented on the web.

  1. Staff is presented in the SIL corporate Bibliography
  2. Senior staff in key leadership positions are presented on a CV page called the Roster
  3. Staff are eligable for personal webspace on'sName
  4. At a special SIL website like SIL-UND staff pages or at some other program where academics are teaching and staff
  5. A personal Website (not on
  6. In a professional network like LinkedIn
  7. JAARS Websites
  8. As part of SIL’s Lingua-Links pages
  9. As part of SIL’s NRSI working group.
  10. Continue reading

MacMini Server

I have been thinking about using a MacMini as a media / web server. I wonder if there might be some long-term financial benefit to running the server at home, with higher levels of RAM. Rather than paying an annual cost for a hosted solution.

There are several articles which have been interesting on the matter.

Special ops pretending to be humanitarian aid…

So, missionaries (like those with SIL International) and NGOs have been accused of being affiliated with the CIA beforeCitations 1 and 2 are from Wikipedia article on SIL International.. [1]Elizabeth A. Cobbs. “Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil – book reviews” (Christian Century, November 1, 1995) … Continue reading [2]Gerard Colby and Charlotte Dennett: Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil (Harper Collins 1995), ISBN 0-06-016764-5. This book contains … Continue reading But the recent announcement that a doctor [3]Renee Montagne and Julie McCarthy. 7 October 2011. Pakistan Doctor, Who Helped CIA, Accused Of Treason. NPR. … Continue reading [4] NPR. 1 February 2012. Doctor At Bin Laden Compound Connected To CIA. [Link] helped the CIA has some serious implications, what about his Hippocratic oath? Doctors and humanitarian aid workers build trust with people. In some places this trust is hard earned and much unappreciated when someone (or organization) piggy backs on these relationships without consent, as was recently reported in The Atlantic. [5]Marc Ambinder and D.B. Grady. 15 February 2012. The Story of How U.S. Special Forces Infiltrated Pakistan. … Continue reading It would seem that for all the cries for ethics that academics make that this issue should be more in uproar than it currently is. I understand that war is war and that in war trust is just another item to be taken advantage of, but that is what terrorists do. Isn’t the difference between peace keeping and terrorism a matter of ethics?


1 Elizabeth A. Cobbs. “Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil – book reviews” (Christian Century, November 1, 1995)
2 Gerard Colby and Charlotte Dennett: Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil (Harper Collins 1995), ISBN 0-06-016764-5. This book contains allegations of Rockefeller’s use of American missionaries, and in particular, the Summer Institute of Linguistics, who cooperated in conducting surveys, transporting CIA agents and indirectly assisting in the genocide of tribes in the Amazon basin.
3 Renee Montagne and Julie McCarthy. 7 October 2011. Pakistan Doctor, Who Helped CIA, Accused Of Treason. NPR. [Link]
4 NPR. 1 February 2012. Doctor At Bin Laden Compound Connected To CIA. [Link]
5 Marc Ambinder and D.B. Grady. 15 February 2012. The Story of How U.S. Special Forces Infiltrated Pakistan. [Link]

Presenting Research on the Web

I have been Looking at different ways to make SIL’s digital research content more interactive, findable, and usable. Today I found It is interesting how they approach the facets of Location, Projects, Publications, and People up in the right hand corner. I think they did a good job. The site feels like it is balanced.

Microsoft Research

Microsoft Research Home Page